
The main goal of the vibro-acoustic testing laboratory is to find a comprehensive solution to the customer’s problem.

Our work includes all stages from measuring the required parameters to implementing the developed solutions at the customer’s facility.

Materials and facilities analysis

<h5 class="information__tab-title">Includes:</h5> <ul class="information__tab-list"> <li class="information__tab-item">the analysis of materials and constructs aimed at defining their sound absorption, vibration damping and sound insulation properties;</li> <li class="information__tab-item">the analysis of facilities aimed at the identification of sources and ways of noise transmission for the purpose of noise and vibration reduction.</li> </ul>
Services of the Lab:

Определение звукопоглощающих свойств материалов, изделий, объектов

Определение вибродемпфирующих свойств материалов

Определение звукоизолирующих свойств материалов изделий, объектов, конструкций

Шум на селитебной территории и в помещениях

Шум внутренний автомобильных транспортных средств

Шум внутренний железнодорожного подвижного состава

Шум в салонах и кабинах экипажа самолетов и вертолетов пассажирских и транспортных

Шум на рабочих местах

Вибрация в салонах и кабинах экипажа самолетов и вертолетов пассажирских и транспортных

Прочие вибро-акустические исследования

Для услуг, входящих в область аккредитации, результат проведения испытаний подтверждается выдачей протокола по форме Ф-478 с логотипом ФСА «Росаккредитация» и внесением сведений в реестр протоколов испытаний. 

Если услуга не входит в область аккредитации, то результат проведения испытаний подтверждается выдачей протокола по форме Ф-153.

Project development

<h5 class="information__tab-title">Includes:</h5> <ul class="information__tab-list"> <li class="information__tab-item">development of recommendations for the use of the means of protection against noise and vibration which help reduce noise and vibration to the required levels;</li> <li class="information__tab-item">preparation of test samples for field testing.</li> </ul>

Material development

<h5 class="information__tab-title">Includes:</h5> <ul class="information__tab-list"> <li class="information__tab-item">formulation of requirements;</li> <li class="information__tab-item">analysis; </li> <li class="information__tab-item">optimization and creation of innovative materials at the premises of the manufacturing site of the laboratory.</li> </ul>

Implementation of solutions

<h5 class="information__tab-title">Includes:</h5> <ul class="information__tab-list"> <li class="information__tab-item">installation of the solution at the client’s facility;</li> <li class="information__tab-item">check measurement of vibration and noise;</li> <li class="information__tab-item">report on measurement results.</li> </ul>
  • the analysis of materials and constructs aimed at defining their sound absorption, vibration damping and sound insulation properties;
  • the analysis of facilities aimed at the identification of sources and ways of noise transmission for the purpose of noise and vibration reduction.
Services of the Lab:

Defining the sound absorption properties of materials

Evaluation of vibration damping properties of materials

Evaluation of sound absorption properties of materials, facilities, constructs

Noise at residential area and in premises

Internal noise of vehicles

Internal noise of railway vehicles

Noise in cabins and flight crew compartments of passenger and cargo aircrafts and helicopters

Workplace noise

Vibration in cabins and flight crew compartments of passenger and cargo aircrafts and helicopters

Other vibro-acoustic tests

For the services within the scope of the Lab’s accreditation area, testing results are confirmed by the official protocol with the Federal Service for Accreditation (RusAccreditation) logo, and are included into the testing protocols register. 

If the service is beyond the Lab’s accreditation area, testing results are confirmed by the internal protocol of the Lab.

  • development of recommendations for the use of the means of protection against noise and vibration which help reduce noise and vibration to the required levels;
  • preparation of test samples for field testing.
  • formulation of requirements;
  • analysis;
  • optimization and creation of innovative materials at the premises of the manufacturing site of the laboratory.
  • installation of the solution at the client’s facility;
  • check measurement of vibration and noise;
  • report on measurement results.